Individual Community Living Support (ICLS) Services

Individual Community Living Supports (ICLS) is a comprehensive service package that comprises six service components designed to provide older adults with the assistance and support they need to remain in their own homes. These services offer reminders, cues, intermittent/moderate supervision or physical assistance, as required.
The Six Key Components of ICLS and Benefits
Activities of daily living (ADLs) support
Example of services Provided by an ICLS Provider:
- Provide reminders or cues for Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
- Provide intermittent physical assistance with dressing, grooming, eating, toileting, mobility, transferring, and positioning
- Provide continual supervision and physical assistance with bathing, as needed
Adaptive support service
ICLS supports individuals to become more self-sufficient and less reliant on human assistance. This includes verbal, visual, or touch guidance, developing reminder tools, providing instruction for assistive technology, and practicing strategies for continued self-sufficiency.
Household management
ICLS Household Management component provides supports for managing the person’s home, such as cleaning, meal planning/preparation, shopping, budgeting, and communications. ICLS provider may also provide transportation when community resources and/or informal supports are not available to meet household management goals.
Community engagement
ICLS community integration component supports the individual in achieving meaningful participation in their community.
- Assist in accessing community resources and activities to promote engagement and participation.
- Support the development and maintenance of an informal support network.
- Provide transportation for community engagement goals if no other options are available.
Health, safety and wellness
ICLS component for health, safety, and wellness aims to maintain overall well-being and mitigate environmental risks in the home. An ICLS provider can coordinate health changes, remind and assist with exercises and health maintenance, provide medication assistance, monitor health, and use medical equipment or adaptive technology as directed by licensed health professionals.
Active cognitive support
Under this component, an ICLS provider can help problem-solve, provide assurance, observe/redirect, and provide check-ins to address cognitive, orientation, or behavioral concerns.
Are you ready to empower the life of someone you care about? Get started with our ICLS program today.
Individual Community Living Supports (ICLS) F.A.Q.
Your county case manager will supply Safeway Home Health Care with a State of Minnesota Individual Community Living Support (ICLS) Planning Form. The planning form indicates which ICLS Service Categories the individual requires assistance in. Safeway Home Health Care uses this planning form to develop, with the individual, their Coordinated Services and Support Plan (CSSP) Addendum.
Relatives and non-professional legal guardians/conservators are allowed to provide ICLS services. However, the ICLS Direct Support Staff may not be the person’s spouse, professional legal guardian/conservator, landlord, or have any financial interest in the person’s housing.
Safeway Home Health Care ICLS Direct Support Staff are able to perform all supports listed in the six ICLS Service Categories, with the exception of medication set-up and administration. Safeway Home Health Care ICLS Direct Support Staff are trained in medication assistance.
Supporting Independence, Enhancing Lives.
Empowering individuals with disabilities to live life on their own terms. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to help you and your loved one achieve greater independence and a fulfilling life in the community. We would be happy to discuss your needs in person!